
Owl Practice in Review – Is Owl Right for Your Private Practice?

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“I just don’t know if Owl Practice is the right fit for my practice…”

We understand! Choosing whether or not to use a practice management solution like Owl Practice can be a tough decision to make. When you first open a new practice, money might be tight, and you could be concerned about keeping your expenses to a minimum. Or, if you’re running an established practice, you might be worried that a particular practice management solution doesn’t offer the features you need to keep track of all your clients and their data.

We believe that Owl Practice is the most comprehensive and flexible practice management solution in Canada—and North America! No matter the size of your practice, Owl can provide you with invaluable services that will help you grow your client base without making things increasingly complex.

So, let’s look at some specific situations that most practices face, and how Owl Practice can help solve them…

Do Your Clients Ever Miss Appointments?

For a therapist, there are few things more frustrating than missed appointments.

Unfortunately, this happens more often than we’d like. Sometimes, it’s unavoidable; last-minute emergencies, traffic jams, and other unforeseen events can cause someone to miss an appointment. It happens to everyone!

But some clients simply forget that they have an appointment. Or they remember too late to arrive on time. So, how can you minimize such situations? By letting your clients book their own appointments!

With Owl Practice, your clients can log into your client portal and see all of the times you are available for sessions. They can then book their own session. Not only will this cut down on the amount of back and forth on the phone to figure out session times, but your client will also be more likely to remember if they booked the appointment themselves.

And just in case the appointment still slips their mind, we also provide automated appointment reminders! You can set these reminders to be sent to your client’s email or cell phone (via text message) at predetermined times. That way, your client will have no excuse for forgetting their appointment.

But what if they remember, but it’s too late to get to an appointment on time? Well, we have a solution for that too!

Do You Have a Thriving Online Practice?

One of the biggest changes in the mental health space over the last few years has been the rise of video therapy.

It wasn’t long ago that teletherapy was a niche offering for mental health practices, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns made video therapy a necessity if you wanted to see your clients. Even though many practices have now reopened, many people still feel more comfortable meeting via the internet.

With Owl Practice Video Therapy, you can be sure that you’ll be offering your clients a fully secure solution. All sessions are run through our Canadian servers and are PHI and College compliant. That means you never need to worry about any unwanted viewers on the therapy call with you—a big problem back in the earliest days of the pandemic.

Do You Struggle With Organization?

Organization is something that many mental health practitioners struggle with daily. Your clinical records are incredibly important. When a client comes in for a session, you need to have all relevant information readily at hand, from your personal session notes to their contacts.

Fortunately, Owl’s clinical record system keeps everything in one place for you. Everything from your clients’ contact information to their payment records to even your handwritten notes can be stored in their client profiles.

And with Owl’s unlimited document storage, you’ll have the freedom to go paperless in the office and reduce clutter. Time to say goodbye to those old filing cabinets and shelves of paper records!

Do You Worry About Security?

Some mental health practitioners are reluctant to go entirely digital with their clinical records because they worry about security. What if they get hacked? If that happened, all of their clients’ invaluable information could be compromised!

It’s important to remember that paper records can be more susceptible to security breaches. If there was ever a fire or break-in at your practice, you could lose everything. With digital records, there’s little danger of that happening. With Owl, everything is stored and backed up on our two Canadian servers. If anything were to ever happen to one of these servers, the other would be safe and secure.

Everything stored on our Canadian servers is protected with bank-level encryption. There’s no way to log into your Owl account from anywhere but your personal, account-specific URL. No one could ever get into your account simply from our website. Moreover, everything complies with PHIPA and College requirements.

Finally, no information is stored locally on your devices; everything is in the cloud. That means you can travel with all of your devices, secure in the knowledge that none of your practice’s data is on your hard drive. If you go through customs and they want to check your laptop, there will be no sensitive information about your practice or your clients to be found.

Over the last few years at Owl Practice, we have been building a practice management solution for mental health practitioners of all shapes and sizes. No matter how large or small your practice, Owl Practice offers unparalleled features to help you build your business into the success you’ve always dreamed of!

We invite you to sign up for a 14-day free trial with Owl Practice to see if we’re a good fit for you. And if you have any other questions about our intake form features or comments about our services, please get in touch with us at

As Always,

Practice Wisely

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