
Success Stories

Be inspired by real-life triumphs and achievements of mental health practitioners and practices. Explore how fellow professionals are making a difference in the lives of their clients and communities, and discover insights to elevate your own practice journey. Join us in celebrating the victories and lessons learned along the path to success.

Can you really save time and get organized with a Practice Management System?

Can you really save time and get organized with a Practice Management System? What if you could save more than 7 hours each month in your private practice? That’s like saving an entire day each month just from reduced practice administration. What would you do with an extra day every 4 weeks? It’s our goal to find solutions that will allow you to spend more time focusing on your clients

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Manitoba Psychological Society offers Owl Practice Member Benefit

We’re very happy to announce that members of the Manitoba Psychological Society now have an Owl Practice Member Benefit for their membership!  Read more below for details! Manitoba Psychological Society Member Benefit Announcement We’ve worked with Owl to create a benefit for MPS members when they purchase the Owl service. Specifically, MPS members are eligible to receive their FIRST MONTH FREE. This benefit has been available to Ontario Psychological Association members and now

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OPA Partners With Owl Practice

We’ve got a great announcement to make! Read on below to see the message that was sent out to all members of the Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) today. The Ontario Psychological Association is partnering with Toronto-based Owl Practice, a Canadian practice management solution for psychologists, to enable more efficient delivery of mental health services. Partnership & Member Benefit “Psychologists in private practice need tools to help them manage client care comprehensively and

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What you can accomplish with Owl

The Owl Observer examines the health and wellness industry through the lens of the professionals that are redefining private practice. Find inspiration, learn from others, and discover insights on how to build the best version of your practice.

What you can accomplish with Owl

The Owl Observer examines the health and wellness industry through the lens of the professionals that are redefining private practice. Find inspiration, learn from others, and discover insights on how to build the best version of your practice.

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