
Practice Management Solution for Clinics of Allied Health Professionals

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Do you believe that Owl Practice is only for mental health professionals? If so, we have news…

Maintaining a high level of organization is one of the most important aspects of being a healthcare professional. Trying to run a successful practice without intelligent systems and tools working in the background to ensure smooth day-to-day operations is almost impossible. Without an effective practice management solution, things fall through the cracks, and client care suffers.

That’s why every healthcare practice needs a comprehensive practice management solution in place from day one. If you’re working with several different systems, there’s likely room for improvement when it comes to your practice organization. At Owl, we’ve worked hard to create a practice management system that will cover ALL aspects of running a healthcare business. From client bookings to invoicing to document security, we’ve thought of it all!

For those who are Allied Health Professionals, Owl might just be the ideal solution for your practice. Here’s why!

What Are Allied Health Professionals?

That’s a big question, as there are dozens upon dozens of different fields Allied Health Professionals work in every day.

These jobs can range from medical technicians who work to maintain equipment to those who work in dentistry. Massage therapists, midwives, paramedics, and social workers all work as Allied Health Professionals. Basically, if you deliver direct care, treatment, diagnostics, or rehabilitation, you likely fit into this healthcare category.

What Can Owl Practice Offer to Help?

As the field of Allied Health Professionals is extraordinarily varied, you’ll likely need a practice management solution that offers an incredible level of flexibility with unparalleled features to help you treat your clients. Well, welcome to Owl Practice!

One of the most important concerns healthcare professionals have revolves around keeping their clients’ medical information secure. Incredibly sensitive data can be shared between you and your clients, so security is paramount.

Owl Practice is fully PHI and PIPEDA compliant, and we keep all information stored on our secure Canadian servers. These servers are held in two different locations and are backed up regularly. If something were to happen to one, the other would keep humming along, ensuring that access will be available when you need it.

Another advantage of us having Canadian servers is that everything is protected by Canadian privacy laws. Plus, nothing is stored locally on any of your devices. For instance, if you were traveling to the US and border services asked to inspect your phone or laptop, they would not be able to view any of your clients’ sensitive and confidential information. To get access, you must login to Owl Practice.

But what kind of information can you store through Owl Practice? Well, if you take handwritten notes, you can now upload them directly to Owl and have them be in your clients’ profiles. That means everything you need for treatment will always be at your fingertips.

Using our Circle of Care system, you can keep information about your clients in a single place, including relationships and their other healthcare providers. For example, if you’re treating an entire family, all of their individual profiles in their Circle of Care can be connected, making it easy to keep track of relationships and streamline the billing process.

Video Therapy (But Not JUST for Therapy!)

Arguably, the most important feature we’ve added in the last few years has been Video Therapy. But don’t worry, this feature is available to ALL healthcare professionals, not just mental health practitioners!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, being able to reach out to clients remotely through secure video chat has been a crucial part of keeping practices operating through lockdowns.

If you have clients with limited mobility—or they’re simply reluctant to leave their homes at this time—you can have video sessions instead. So long as you don’t need to physically have your clients in the same room—though, some Allied Health Professionals do—Video Therapy can offer vastly increased accessibility for your clients!

Owl Practice started with a focus on mental health professionals, but in recent years, our services have expanded to the point where we’re also the perfect fit for most Allied Health Professionals! To see what Owl Practice has to offer and discover if our practice management solution is what you’ve been looking for, we invite you to sign up for a 14-day free trial. And if you have any other questions about our intake form features or comments about our services, please get in touch with us at

As Always,

Practice Wisely

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