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Join the hundreds of therapists across North America that are meeting their new clients through TherapyOwl.

Meet New Clients

Are you looking to expand your reach and connect with more clients? TherapyOwl is an online platform that makes it easy to find new clients and to have them find you.

Benefit from TherapyOwl Marketing

Let TherapyOwl do your marketing for you! TherapyOwl is optimized for Google so we have hundreds of prospective clients visiting each month looking for a new therapist.

Create a Free Listing

Create your free personalized TherapyOwl listing in just four easy steps.

Premium Features

Profile Image Gallery

Upload up to 12 images of you or your practice to highlight your practice qualities.

Book Now Button

Connect users to your Owl Practice online booking dashboard to create a seamless booking experience.

Profile Metrics

Track Profile Views and Email Now clicks to better understand your audience behaviours.

Get listed today

Start your free personalized listing on TherapyOwl to meet with new clients today
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